Shrink Film - a material made up of polymer plastic film. When heat is applied, it shrinks tightly over whatever it is covering. There are a variety of uses for Shrink films, especially for different product shapes as per cups, cans and bottles.
The available shrink films on Flexopack are the following: PVC Shrink Film - A type of shrink wrap used for a variety of applications. The PVC stands for Polyvinyl chloride. The product shrink up to 62% shrink and suitable for product shapes as plastic cans for yoghurt, sour-creams, juice plastic cans.
Thickness range: 40 μm, 45 μm
PET Shrink films: PET high shrink films are more rigid and has pretty performance on bottles. The product shrinks up to 78% with good shrink curve with very high property. PETG shrink films is the best material to apply on HDPE containers.
Thickness range: 35μm up to 50 μm
OPS Shrink films: OPS high shrink films are used for soft cans. The product shrinks up to 68% and quicker shrink to increase production speed.
Thickness range: 40μm up to 50 μm